Macedonian Kings, Alexander III, 336-323 B.C.
AR Tetradrachm, 17.14g. 27mm. Byblos mint, c.320-315 B.C. Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin to right. Rev. Zeus enthroned to left holding eagle and scepter; monogram in field to left. Price 3426. High relief with attractive toning and exceptional style. Provenance/Pedigree: Extremely Fine $3,850. Sold |
Macedonian Kings, Demetrios Poliorketes, 306-283
AR Tetradrachm, 17.09g. 29mm. Tyre mint, c.305-290 B.C. Head of Herakles to right wearing lion's skin. Rev. Zeus enthroned to left holding eagle and scepter; monograms to left and below. Price 3539. Fine style Provenance/Pedigree: Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $2,250. Sold |
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Macedonian Kings, Philip III, c.323-319 B.C.
AR Drachm, 4.27g. 17mm. Kolophon mint. Head of Herakles to right wearing lion's skin. Rev. Zeus enthroned to left holding scepter and eagle; spear point in field to right; corn grain in field to left. Price 1750. This is an exceptional ecample with beautiful old toning; the reverse is of fine style and struck deeply concave. Provenance/Pedigree: Mint State $2,000. |
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Macedonian Kings, Demetrios Poliorketes, 306-283
AR Tetradrachm, 17.19g. 27.5 mm. Pella mint, struck c.294-293 B.C. Nike blowing trumpet and alighting on the prow of a vanquished ship. Rev. Poseidon striding to left and hurling trident; star and dolphin in field to right; monogram in field to left. Newell 68. Lustrous. Provenance/Pedigree: Mint State $7,500. |
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Macedon, Roman Period
AR Tetradrachm, 16.95g. 33mm. 1st Meris, c.167-149 B.C. Head of Artemis to right in center of a Macedonian shield; bow and quiver on her shoulder. Rev. Club sourrounded by oak wreath. Fine style and toned on a large flan. Proveneance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $3,000. |
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Thrace, Maroneia, pedigreed to 2001
AR Tribol, 2.92g. 14mm. c.398-385 B.C. Forepart of horse to left. Rev. Bunch of grapes. Schönert-Geiss 189. Attractive old cabinet toning; early issue without magistrate's initials. Provenance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine $1,500. |
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Lysimachos, 305-281 B.C. pedigreed to 1995
AR Tetradrachm, 16.89g. 28.5mm. Lysimachia, c.297-281 B.C. Deified head of Alexander the Great to right wearing diadem and horn of Ammon. Rev. Athena seated to left holding scepter and wreath-bearing nike on outstretched hand; monograms in field to left and in exergue; minute edge scrape at 7:00 rev. Thompson 14var( monogram in exergue which could be missing on the coin quoted by Thompson). Expressive portrait in high relief. Attractive collection toning. Provenance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine $3,250. |
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Thracian Kings, Lysimachos, 305-281 B.C.
AR Tetradrachm, 16.98g. 30mm. Lysimacheia mint, c.280-270 B.C. Deified head of Alexander the Great to right wearing diadem and horn of Ammon. Rev. Athena seated to left holding scepter and wreath-bearing nike on outstretched hand; lion's head and monogram in field to left; monogram in exergue. Muller 47var. Thompson_. Attractive old cabinet toning with the obverse struck in high relief. Provenance/Pedigrees: Extremely Fine $4,500. |
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Thracian Kings, Lysimachos, 305-281 B.C.
AR Tetradrachm, 17.10g. 29mm. Lampsakos mint, c.297-282 B.C. Deified head of Alexander the Great to right wearing diadem and horn of Ammon. Rev. Athena seated to left holding scepter and wreath-bearing nike on outstretched hand; long torch in field to left; star below. Thompson 43. SNG Oxford 3722. Fine style and high relief. Provenance/Pedigree: See more detailed image good Very Fine $3,750. |
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Thessaly, Larissa, ex: BCD
AR Obol, 0.99g. 11mm. c.462-460 B.C. Head and neck of bull facing to left. Rev. Head of horse to right within shallow incuse. Hermann Group III. Provenance/Pedigree: . See more detailed imagegood Very Fine $1,500. |
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Thessaly, Phalanna, ex: BCD, 2011
AR Drachm, 5.60g. 19mm. c.360-340 B.C. Youthful male head(Ares?) to right. Rev. Bridled horse trotting to right with free rein and curled tail. BMC 1. BCD 1250(obv. die). Lovely style head in high relief; attractive light toning. Provenance/Pedigree: Ex: BCD collection, Nomos, Zurich, Auction 4, May10, 2011, lot 1428.9 See more detailed imageabout Extremely Fine $8,000. |
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Thessaly, Skotussa, ex: BCD collection
AR Hemidrachm, 2.41g. 15 mm. late 3rd century B.C. Three-quarter facing head of Artemis to right. Rev. Poseidon seated to left of a rock hoding dolphin and trident. SNG COP 253. Very rare in this quality; toned with amber and blue highlights. Pedigrees/Provenance: good Very Fine $3,750. |
Thessaly, Trikka, ex: Sternberg and BCD
AR Hemidrachm, 2.87g. 15mm. c.440-400 B.C. Thessalos wearing cloak and petasos restraing bull to right. Rev. Forepart of a horse within shallow incuse square. Boston 933. Fine style and lovely toning. Provenance/Pedigree: Ex: Frank Sternberg, Zurich, Auction VI, November 25, 1976, lot 42. good Very Fine $2,200. Sold |
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Akarnania, Leukas, pedigreed to 1986
AR Stater, 8.56g. 22mm. c.320-280 B.C. Pegasus flying to right; lambda below. Rev. Helmeted head of Athena to right; herm, caduceus, and lambda behind head. Pegasi II, 419,102. BMC 130,63. Beautiful dark collection toning. Provenance/Pedigree: Extremely Fine $5,000. |
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Boeotia, Thebes
AR Hemiobol, 0.35g 6mm. c.480-460 B.C. Half of a Boeotian shield. Rev. Greek "theta" wihin an incuse. BCD Boiotia 356. HGC 4, 1362. Toned and scarce. Provenance/Pedigree: Very Fine $1,225. |
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Attica, Athens, wappenmünzen
AR Obol, 0.66g. 8mm. c.545-515 B.C. Wheel with four spokes and struts. Rev. Incuse square. Agora 4. Seltman pl. IV,5. Svoronos pl. I, 60(rev. die). Dark toning. about Extremely Fine $3,000. |
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Attica, Athens, AR Drachm, ex: Leu 2004
AR Drachm, 4.28g. 15mm. c.460-455 B.C. Head of Athena to right wearing crested helmet decorated with olive leaves. Rev. Owl standing to right; olive sprig behind. Svoronos, pl. IX,31. Toned, high relief, and well centered. Provenance/Pedigrees: about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $7,500. |
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Aegean Islands, Aegina
AR Stater, 12.15g. 20mm. c.480-457 B.C. Sea turtle with "T back" design on shell. Rev. Incuse skew pattern. SNG Lockett 1969. SNG COP 510. Millbank, Period III. This coin is struck in extremely high relief in the manner of the earlier sea turtles; exceptional quality and nicely toned. Provenance/Pedigrees: Extremely Fine $28,000. |
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AR Trihemiobol, 0.43g. 8.5mm. c.500-450 B.C. Corinthian helmet. Rev. Large "T" for the denomination. BCD Corinth 38. HGC 4, 1890. Toned and scarce. Provenance/Pedigree: good Very Fine $1,750. |
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Peloponnesos, Elis(Olympia)
AR Drachm, 4.88g. 18mm. c.244-208 B.C. Eagle flying to right grasping hare. Rev. Winged gorgon head within center of thunderbolt. Schwabacher Group IV,42(dies). BCD Olympia 266(this coin). This is a very rare and unusual type with the gorgon within the thunderolt. This example was the sole piece appearing in the extensive published BCD collection of Olympia. It also appears to be the only use of a gorgon on the coinage of Olympia. Provenance/Pedigree: good Very Fine/Extremely Fine $7,000. |
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Peloponnesos, Elis(Olympia)
AR Hemidrachm, 2.17g. 14mm. c.265-240 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. Thunderbolt within wreath. BCD Olympia 229(dies). SNG Delepierre 2217(dies). SNG Lockett 2437. Toned. Provenance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine $1,500. |
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Black Sea, Pantikapaion
AR Hemidrachm, 2.61g. 15mm. c. 370-355 B.C. Head of Pan facing slightly to the left wearing ivy wreath. Rev. Facing lions scalp. SNG BM Black Sea 865. SNG Stancomb 551. MacDonald 44. Rare and unusually well struck and centered for this issue. See more detailed image good Very Fine/Extremely Fine $6,750. |
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Bithynian Kings, Nikomedes III, ex: Glen, 1957
AR Tetradrachm, 16.42g. 35mm. Dated year 205=94-93 B.C. Diademed head of Nikomedes to right. Rev. Zeus standing to left holdiing wreath and scepter; eagle on thunderbolt in field to left. Recueil II, 591. de Callatay, Guerres, pl. 56 D60/R2(this coin). Exceptional high relief portrait and attractive old collection toning. Provenance/Pedigree: Extremely Fine $5,750. |
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Troas, Kebren, pedigreed to 2000
AR Obol, 0.54g. 8mm. c.500-450 B.C. Ram's head to left. Rv. Incuse. Demeester 94(this coin). Klein 312. Weber 5350. Dark toning. Provenance/Pedigrees
Ex: Hauck & Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 15, March 21-22, 2000, lot 161
Ex: NAC, Zürich, Auction 82, May 20, 2015, lot 160
This coin published: Anne Demeester, Les Animaux Et La Monnaie Grecque,#94.
about Extremely Fine $1,250. |
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