Italy, Apulia, Venusia
Italy, Apulia, Venusia

AE Semis, 3.41g. 16.5mm.  c.205-200 B.C. Draped bust of Hermes to right wearing winged petasos.  Rev. VE.  Winged boot; caduceus and S (Semis) to left.  HN, Italy, 726. SNG ANS 770. Small patina scrape on reverse.   Rare and among the best known examples.  Fine green patna with some light encrustation.

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 40, May 16, 2007, lot 209.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $3,500.
Sicily, Eryx
Sicily, Eryx

AE Onkia, 1.50g  11mm.  c.330-260 B.C. Female head to right.  Rev. Octopus.   Calciati 24.  Rosen 46(this coin).   Rare and with a lovely green patina. 

Ex: Birkler and Waddell, New York, Auciton 1, December 7, 1979, lot 38.
Ex: Jonathan Rosen collection, 46.


See more detailed image
Very Fine/good Very Fine $1,000.
Islands Off Sicily,  Punic City, Lodadusa(?)
Islands Off Sicily, Punic City, Lodadusa(?)

AE 16, 5.13g. 2nd century B.C.   Crab; punic letter below. Rev. Crab; Punic letter below. CNP 514c var. SNG Morcom 933 var. Dark brown and green patina.

Ex: Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 79, Feb. 28, 1994, lot 136
Ex: F. Popken Collection, Künker, Osnabrück, Auction 133, Oct. 11, 2007, lot 7201.


See more detailed image
Extremely Fine/Very Fine $2,000.
Islands off Sicily, Melita(Malta)
Islands off Sicily, Melita(Malta)

AE 16, 3.45g. c.218-175 B.C. Veiled female head to right. Rev. Ram and Punic inscription. Coliero, Numismatic Chronicle, 1971, #5. Viola, CNP 494. Rare in this quality; dark green patina.


Ex: David Freedman collection, Triton V, New York, January 15, 2002, lot 290.

See more detailed image
about Extremely Fine $1,500.
Sardinia, Uselis(?), M. Atius Balbus, praetor
Sardinia, Uselis(?), M. Atius Balbus, praetor

AE 23, 2.66g.   c.38-36 B.C.  M [ATIVS] BA[LBV]S PR.  Bare head of the praetor M. Atius Balbus to left.  Rev. SARD[VS] [PA]TER.   Feather-crowned head of Sardus Pater to right; spear behind.  RPC 625.  SNG COP 1112. Grant 1969.  Reddish-brown patina.

Sardus Pater is the eponymous god of the island and was influced by the Phoenician god Baal.  His temple has been discovered in Antas in Southern Sardinia. 

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction L, 2001, lot 1522.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $1,400.
Thrace, Kallatis
Thrace, Kallatis

AE 19, 4.09g. 2nd century A.D. Laureate head of Herakles to left. Rev. Kybele seated to left. AMNG 293. Brown patina.

Ex: Künker, Auction 71, Osnabruck, March 12, 2002, lot 126

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $425.
Thrace, Deultum, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.  pedigree
Thrace, Deultum, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D. pedigree

AE 25, 10.54g. Laureate and cuirassed bust of the mature Caracalla to right. Rv. Zeus standing to right holding scepter and thunderbolt.. Jurukova 7. Die break on obverse; green and brown patina. Exceptional quality and virtually as struck.


Ex: Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 16, October 16, 2001, lot 375.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $1,000.
Thrace, Deultum, Julia Mamaea
Thrace, Deultum, Julia Mamaea
AE 19, 4.39g. Diademed and draped bust r. Rv. Bull's head l. Jurakova 202var. See more detailed image
Very Fine $200.
Thrace, Nikopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.
Thrace, Nikopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.
AE 17, 2.69g. Bare head of Diadumenian to right. Rv. Bunch of grapes on branch. Some light smoothing in fields. Dark green patina. See more detailed image
good Very Fine $250.
Thrace, Pautalia, Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 A.D.
Thrace, Pautalia, Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 A.D.

AE 18, 4.27g.  Bare headed and draped bust of Aurelius to right.  Rev. Infant Dionysos seated to right in a lattice-work cradle holding a thrysos.  RPC IV, on-line, 8790var,(bust).  RPC only publshes one example.  Light brown patina.   A very rare depiction of a Roman cradle.


Ex: Pegasi, Buy/Bid Sale 14, July 13, 1999, lot 157.

See more detailed image
Very Fine $1,400.
Macedon, Thessalonica, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.
Macedon, Thessalonica, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.

AE 25, 10.12g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip to right.  Rev. Apollo leaning on snake entwined column to left; he holds bow in left hand; tripod and prize crown to left;  Greek abbreviated inscription,"Pythi" in field referring to the Pythian games.  SNG ANS 888. Remarkable quality.

The Pythian games referenced here on the reverse originated at Delphi in honor of Apollo whose temple and oracle were located there.  Other cities copied these games and referred to them on their coins.

Ex: Gemini VI, NY, Auction, January 9, 2011, lot 816


See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $750.
Korkyra, Roman Republican Administration
Korkyra, Roman Republican Administration

AE 19, 7.42g. Roman Republican administration, c.229-49 B.C. magistrate: Philon. Head of Herakles to right wearing lion's skin. Rev. Prow of ship to right; magistrate's name and monogram above. SNG Evelpidis 1976–80. SNG Copenhagen 237; HGC 6, 8. Olive patina with some light encrustation deposits on reverse


Ex: CNG, Mail Bid 39, March 30, 1994, lot 113.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $350.
Cycladic Islands, Naxos
Cycladic Islands, Naxos

AE 11, 1.81g.  4th century B.C.  Head of Dionysos to left wearing ivy wreath with clump of berries at end.   Rev.  Kantharos, bunch of grapes above.  SNG COP 709.  Reddish-brown patina and fine style.

Ex: CNG, Auction 50, June 23, 1999, lot 784.
Ex: CNG, Auction 91, Sept. 19, 2012, lot 213.

See more detailed image
about Extremely Fine/Very Fine $1,200.
Thessaly, The Oitaioi
Thessaly, The Oitaioi

AE Dichalkon, 4.73g. 17mm.  Struck during Oitaioi's membership in the Aetolian League in Herakleia Trachinia c.279-168 B.C. Laureate head of Apollo to right.  Rev. Monogram between spear and jawbone of the Kalydonnian boar; bunch of grapes to left. SNG COP 182.  Dark green-brown patina and with an exceptionally well detailed reverse.


Ex: BCD collection, Nomos, Zurich, Auction 4, May 10, 2011. lot 1435.18

See more detailed image
Very Fine/good Very Fine $750.
Kings of Bosporus, Polemon I, Eusebes c.38-37 B.C.
Kings of Bosporus, Polemon I, Eusebes c.38-37 B.C.

AE 18, 4.65g. Lion leaping to right; star above. Rev. Monogram. MacDonald 230. Brown patina.


Ex: CNG, Auction 299, March 27, 2013, lot 82.

See more detailed image
Very Fine $350.
Kings of Bosporus, Kotys I for Eunice, c.68 A.D.
Kings of Bosporus, Kotys I for Eunice, c.68 A.D.

AE 27, 9.77g. Pentastyle temple on base. Rev. Monogram for Kotys' wife Eunice. RPC 1931. MacDonald 337/1.


Ex: Auctiones E-Auction 55, Bern, March 19, 2017, lot 63

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Very Fine $350.
Pontos, Komana, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.
Pontos, Komana, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.

AE 29.5, 16.38g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius to right. Rev. Tetrastyle temple containing stautue of nike standing on a cippus. Recueil 11. BMC 3.


Ex: CNG mail bid sale XIV, Lancaster, PA, March 20, 1991, lot 370


See more detailed image
Very Fine/good Very Fine $525.
Pontos, Neokaisareia, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.
Pontos, Neokaisareia, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.

AE 29, 16.54g. Laureate, draped, and curirassed bust of Gordian to right. Rev. Two prize crowns with palm branches on altar inscribed "AKTIA" for the Aktian games. SNG von Aulock 6761. reddish-brown patina.

Ex: Fontana collection, Finarte, Milan, Auction, November 26-27, 1996, lot 666.
Ex: Peter Vogel collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 618.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $200.
Bithynia, Apamea, Triumviral period
Bithynia, Apamea, Triumviral period

AE 16, 2.21g. Triumviral period, c.42-31 B.C. Head of Hermes to right wearing winged cap. Rev. C I C A (=Colonia Iulia Concodia Apamea) D D. Winged caduceus. RPC 2001 and illustrated in RPC on-line. Rec. gen. 32. BMC 18. Dark green and brown patina with some light cleaning. Scarce Imperatorial issue; this issue is the first one from the city which was planned and/or founded by Caesar and Antony.


Ex: Lanz, Munich, Auction 123, May 30, 2005, lot 220

See more detailed image
about Extremely Fine $500.
Bithynia, Nikomedia, Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D.
Bithynia, Nikomedia, Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D.

AE 31, 17.28g. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Aurelius to right. Rev. Galley under sail to left. RG 103var(beardless). RPC IV on-line 6090var. Rare Brown and green patina.


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 8, June 29, 2019, lot 635

See more detailed image
Very Fine $1,750.
Bithynia, Tium, Gallienus, ex: Aufhauser 1992
Bithynia, Tium, Gallienus, ex: Aufhauser 1992

AE 21, 7.08g.  c.253-268 A.D.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right.  Rev. Asklepios standing to left with serpent staff.  SNG von Aulock 1042(dies).  Brown patina.

Ex:  Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction  9,  October 7, 1992, lot 438 with original envelope. 

See more detailed image
about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $1,200.
Mysia, Attaia, Sabina, wife of Hadrian, 117-138
Mysia, Attaia, Sabina, wife of Hadrian, 117-138

AE 23, 11.91g. Diademed and draped bust of Sabina to right.  Rev. River-god Makestos reclining to left holding reeds; overturned vase of water at his feet; tree to left.  BMC 8. SNG von Aulock 1074.  RPC III, 1760.   Dark gray patina. 

Ex: Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 645
Ex: Peter Vogl collection
Ex: Hauck and Aufhauser, Munich, Auciton 14, October 6, 1998, lot 335.

See more detailed image
about Extremely Fine $950.
Mysia, Kyzikos
Mysia, Kyzikos

AE 24, 9.16g. c.253-268 A.D. Strategos Lok Severos. Diademed head of the founder Kyzikos to right. Rev. Inscription within wreath. Lindgren 227(dies). BMC_. SNG France_. SNG COP_. SNG von Aulock_. von Fritze_. Aufhauser 8, lot 263(same reverse die for a coin struck under Gallienus). The inscription mentions the second neocorate, so it may have been struck in 258 after the death of Valerian II (Burrell, Neokoroi, p. 97.) Very rare and with a dark brown and olive patina.


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 8, October 9, 1991, lot 100.
Ex: Dr. Vogt collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 649.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $750.
Mysia, Parion, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.
Mysia, Parion, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.

AE 31, 17.38g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right. Rev. Emperor galloping to right holding spear. BMC_. SNG COP_. SNG France__. SNG von Aulock _. KLM_. RPC on line 3689(Severus Alexander). Possibly unpublished. Brown patina


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 5, September 23, 2018, lot 481

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good Very Fine $1,000.
Mysia, Pergamum
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Mysia, Pergamum

AE 17. 7.02g.  2nd-1st cents. B.C.   Laureate head of Asklepios to right. Rev. Serpent coiled around omphalos; monogram in field to left. SNG France 1804. Dark brown patina.

Ex: Tom Cederlind, Portland, OR, December, 1990.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $100.
Mysia, Pergamum
Mysia, Pergamum
AE 16, 2.97g. Time of Trajan, 98-117 A.D. Helmeted head of Athena to right. Rv. Nude youth standing holding uncertain object in left hand and raising right hand. SNG COP 448. Light brown and red patina with some light corrosion. See more detailed image
Extremely Fine/Very Fine $175.
Troas, Alexandria
Troas, Alexandria

AE 18, 4.39g. 3rd cent. A.D.  Draped bust of Tyche with turreted crown to right.  Rev. Eagle to right landing on bull's head.  Bellinger A-490. Dark brown and green patina.

Ex: Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 8, 1991, lot 108
Ex: Peter Vogl collection, Munich
Ex: Helios, Munich, Auction 5, 2010, lot 678.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $750.
Troas, Alexandria, Valerian I, 253-260 A.D.
Troas, Alexandria, Valerian I, 253-260 A.D.

AE 20, 5.42g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian to right.  Rev. Eagle standing and facing on bull's head.  Bellinger A 441. Attractive brown patina and exceptional quality.


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 14, 1998, lot 455.
Ex: Peter Vogl collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, 2010, lot 688.
See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $750.
Troas, Alexandria, Gallienus, 253-268 A.D.
Troas, Alexandria, Gallienus, 253-268 A.D.

AE 22, 4.46g. Laureate head of Gallienus to right. Rv. Horse grazing to right. SNG COP 205. Light brown patina.


Ex: Hirsch, Munich, Auction 313, September 23, 2015, lot 3020

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $350.
Troas, Ilium(Troy), Faustina II, 147-175 A.D.
Troas, Ilium(Troy), Faustina II, 147-175 A.D.

AE 23, 7.58g. Draped bust of Faustina to right. Rev. Helmeted head of Hector to right. Bellinger T 160. RPC IV on-line 96(3 examples). Some corrosion. Rare


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 4, June 24, 2018, lot 491

See more detailed image
Very Fine $775.
Troas, Ilium(Troy), Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.D.
Troas, Ilium(Troy), Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.D.

AE 18, 5.07g. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Verus to right. Rev. Athena Ilias standing to right; she holds spear in her right hand and spindle in her left hand; shield at her feet. Bellinger T 156. BMC 58. Dark brown patina. Rare


Ex: Italo Vecchi, London, Auction 7, October 27, 1997, lot 1339 with original ticket.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine/about Extremely Fine $750.
Troas, Ilium(Troy)), Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.
Troas, Ilium(Troy)), Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.

AE 23, 5.81g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of young Caracalla to right; illegible counter-stamp in field to right. Rev. The river-god Skamandros reclining to left with reed and overturned amphora. Bellinger T 245. BMC 94.


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 8, June 29, 2019, lot 642

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $650.
Troas, Ilium, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.
Troas, Ilium, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.

AE 22.  6.94g.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander to right.  Rev.  River- god Skamander recling to left holding reeds and pouring water from a jug.  Bellinger T 273. Some light cleaning in fields.   Reddish-brown patina and in exceptional quality for the issues depicting Troy's river. 

Ex :Peter Vogl collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, 2010, lot 357. 

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $1,200.
Troas, Kebren
Troas, Kebren

AE 20, 8.55g. c.350-300 B.C. Ram's head to right; eagle below. Rev. Laureate head of Apollo to r. SNG COP 266. Brown patina.


Ex: CNG. Lancaster, PA, E auction 320, February 12, 2004, lot 188.

See more detailed image
Very Fine/good Very Fine $200.
Troas, Skepsis, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.
Troas, Skepsis, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.

AE 35, 23.69g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Severus to right. Rev. Nike crowning emperor to left. RPC VI on line 4115(only 2 examples listed). Somewhat rough surfaces, but very rare.


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 7, February 23, 2019, lot 669

good Very Fine $1,350.
Aeolis, Grynion
Aeolis, Grynion

AE Dichalkon, 3.70g. 18mm.  c.4th-3rd cents. B.C.   Laureate head of Apollo facing three-quarters to left.  Rev. Mussel shell.  BMC 1. SNG COP 202.  SNG von Aulock 7689.   Dark brown patina.

Ex: Lanz, Munich, AUction 117, Nov. 24, 2003, lot 304
Ex: Triton X, Jan. 9, 2007, lot 279.
Ex: Dr. Paul Peter Urone collection

See more detailed image
good Very Fine/Very Fine $2,250.
Aeolis, Kyme, Faustina II, 161-175 A.D.
Aeolis, Kyme, Faustina II, 161-175 A.D.

AE 26, 7.06g. struck under magistrate Lollianos. Draped bust of Faustina to right. Rev. Isis Pharia on ship to right holding sail. RPC Online IV.2, 2604. Rare.


Ex: Peus, Frankfurt, Auction 398, April 28, 2009, lot 672.

See more detailed image
Very Fine $300.
Aeolis, Temnos, C. Asinius Gallus, 6-5 B.C.
Aeolis, Temnos, C. Asinius Gallus, 6-5 B.C.

AE 16, 4.32g. C. Asinius Gallus, proconsul of Asia under Augustus, 6-5 B.C. magistrate: Apollas, son of Phainios. Bare head of Gallus to right. Rev. Head of Dionysos to right with ivy wreath. RPC I, 2447. SNG COP 276. Green patina. Scarce proconsular portrait and well struck


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction 4, October 7, 1987, lot 94.
Ex: Dr. P. Vogl collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 701

See more detailed image
Very Fine $1,500.
Ionia, Ephesos, Hadrian and Sabina, 117-138 A.D.
Ionia, Ephesos, Hadrian and Sabina, 117-138 A.D.

AE 21, 7.45g. Laureate head of Hadrian to right confronting diademed and draped bust of Sabina to left. Rev. Victory with wreath and palm walking to left. RPC III, 2079(4 examples cited). Brown patina.


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 4, June 24, 2018, lot 493

See more detailed image
good Very Fine/Very Fine $1,000.
Ionia, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Nero, 54-68 A.D.
Ionia, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Nero, 54-68 A.D.
AE 17, 4.24g. struck c. 54 A.D. Bare-headed bust of Nero to left. Rv. Draped bust of the Senate to right. RPC I, 2456. Dark brown patina. See more detailed image
Very Fine $225.
Ionia, Smyrna, Julia Domna, 193-217 A.D.
Ionia, Smyrna, Julia Domna, 193-217 A.D.

AE 25.5mm, 6.69g. magistrate: Marcus Aurelius Geminus. Draped bust of Julia to right with her hair arranged in rows. Rev. Two Nemesis facing; the one on left holds a bridle and the one on the right holds a cubit-rule; wheel at feet. Klose, Smyrna, 279,39(dies). BMC 384. Tan and green patina.


Ex: Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland, Auction 32, May 26, 2010, lot 236

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $750.
Ionia, Smyrna, Gallienus, 253-268 A.d.
Ionia, Smyrna, Gallienus, 253-268 A.d.

AE Tetrassarion, 9.79g. 26mm. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. Two Nemesis facing; the one on left holds a bridle and the one on the right holds a cubit-rule; wheel at feet. Klose, 317,11(dies). BMC 465. SNG COP 1414. Dark brown patina.


Ex: Peus, Frankfurt, Auction 384, November 2, 2005, lot 846.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine $1,000.
Ionian Islands, Samos, Otacilia Severa, 244-249
Ionian Islands, Samos, Otacilia Severa, 244-249

AE 30, 9.75g. Diademed and draped bust of Otacilia to right. Rev. Samian Hera facing. BMC 321. SNG COP_. SNG von Aulock _. Rare Green patina.


Ex: Peus, Frankfurt, Auction 384, November 2, 2005, lot 847.

See more detailed image
Very Fine $450.
Karia, Stratonikeia, Septimius Severus, 193-211
Karia, Stratonikeia, Septimius Severus, 193-211

AE 37.5mm, 23.83g.  Facing busts of Septimius and Julia Domna; counterstamp with head of Caracalla below.  Rev. Zeus Panamaros holding scepter and riding to right.  BMC 55.  SNG von Aulock 2668. Hoegego 84 for counterstamp. Brown patina.


Ex: Münzen Auktion Essen, 1994, lot 317.

Panamara was a dependecy of Stratonikeia and contained an important temple to Zeus.   Labienus and the Parthians in 40/39  B.C. unsuccesfully attempted to capture both Stratonikeia and Panamara.    They were foiled at Panamara by an intervention of Zeus.  (See: Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, 1976.).  This manifestation of Zeus is depicted on the reverse of the coin. 

A dedicatory inscription probabably for a sculptural group was found at Panamara and relates the details of Zeus' aid during the siege.  The Parthians fist attempted a surprise attack at night but Zeus illuminated the sky with lightining to alert the Panamarian defenders.   During a subsequesnt attack, Zeus enveloped the attackers in fog and a severe storm which caused great confusion within their ranks but allowed the defenders to be hidden in the fog with a resulstant slaughter of the attackers.  (See: Georgia Petridou, "Crossing Physical and Cultural Borders in the Battlefield: Amorphous Epiphanies and Divine Bilingualism"  pp. 155ff. in Borders, Terminologies, Idiologies, and Performances, Annette Weissenrieder(ed), 2016.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine/Very Fine $3,500.
Lydia, Uncertain satrap, Gamerses, c.400-350 B.C.
Lydia, Uncertain satrap, Gamerses, c.400-350 B.C.

AE 14, 1.69g. Head of Gamerses(?) to right wearing short hair with long braid, earring, and necklace. Rv. Zeus standing to left; star in field to left. Klein 563. Excellent portrait and fine green patina.

Gamerses is otherwise unknown except for his coinage. His name appears on the reverse of this coin and it is likely that it is his portrait on the obverse.


Ex: Künker, Osnabruck, Auction 257, October 10, 2014, lot 8234

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $750.
Lydia, Gordus-Julia, Commodus, 177-181 A.D.
Lydia, Gordus-Julia, Commodus, 177-181 A.D.

AE 24, 9.90g.  Struck as Caesar, 177-181 A.D.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right.  Rev. Athena standing to right holding spear and shield.  RPC on line, vol. IV.1, 10214.1(this coin). Rare; RPC only records two examples inclusive of this coin.  Dark brown patina; some very light cleaning rev. fields.

Ex: Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 41, 1970, lot 41
Ex: Frank Sternberg, Zurich, Auction 12, 1982, lot 644
Ex: Tkalec and Rauch, Zurich, Auction Nov. 16, 1987, lot 324
Ex: Tradart, Geneva, Auction 1, 1991, lot 334.

See more detailed image
Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $500.
Lydia, Maeonia, Julia Mamaea, 222-235 A.D.
Lydia, Maeonia, Julia Mamaea, 222-235 A.D.

AE 29, 9.49g. magistrate Aurelius Zenon. Diademed and draped bust of Julia to right. Rev. Cult statue of Kore; poppy on left and grain ear on right. RPC on line, VI, 4465. Green and brown patina.


Ex: Nomos, Zurich, Auction 20, July 10, 2020, lot 351

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $750.
Lydia, Hypaepa, Elagabalus, 218-222 A.D.
Lydia, Hypaepa, Elagabalus, 218-222 A.D.

AE 29, 16.30g. magistrate: Aurelius Dionysos Charixenos.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Elagagalus to right.  Rev. The mythical Lydian King Torrhebos seated to left holding a  scepter in his left and and a figure of Artemis Anaitis in his right hand; he rests his left arm on lyre on base.  Imhoof-Blumer, Lydische Stadtmünzen 82,18.  Altinoluk, Hypaipa, Type 141.  BMC-. SNG COP_. SNG von Aulock_.  Very rare with dark brown and green patina. The Lydian King Torrhebos is credited with creating the Lydian key, an ancient Greek musical mode.

Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 276, April 19, 2021, lot 276.
Ex: Peter Weiss, Kiel Germany, collected 1967-2015. 


See more detailed image
good Very Fine $3,000.
Lydia, Mastaura, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.
Lydia, Mastaura, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.

AE 35, 19.89g.  magistrate: Loukinios, son of Kletos. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip to right.  Rev. City hero with double axe  standing to right holding the horn of a sacrificial bull that he is about to strike.     RPC VIII Online, unassigned id 20371(this coin).  Imhoof-Blumer, Lydische Stadtmünzen _.  Inv. Waddington_.  Mionnet_. BMC_. SNG COP_. SNG von Aulock_ Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies Grecques_. KLM_. SNG Fitzwilliam_. SNG München_. Weber_. SNG Righetti_.  Possbily unique with only this example listed in RPC.

Ex: Solidus, Munich, Auction 13, March 25, 2017, lot 183.

See more detailed image
good Very Fine $5,000.
Lydia, Nakrasa, Trajan, 98-117 A.D.
Lydia, Nakrasa, Trajan, 98-117 A.D.

AE 19, 4.38g. Laureate head of Trajan to right.  Rev. Cult statue of Artemis holding bow standing to left within a tetrastyle temple.  SNG Munich 344(dies). Dark brown patina. 

Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 4, October 7, 1987, lot 286.
Ex: Peter Vogl collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 286.

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good Very Fine $225.
Lydia, Philadelphia, Plotina, wife of Trajan
Lydia, Philadelphia, Plotina, wife of Trajan

AE 18, 5.51g. Diademed and draped bust of Plotina right. Rv. Ethnic inscription within wreath. BMC 68. SNG COP 382. Dark green patina. Scarce and with an excellent portrait


Ex: Gorny & Mosch, Munich, March 7, 2011, lot 196

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about Extremely Fine/Very Fine $900.
Lydia, Philadelphia, Rev. Aphrodite
Lydia, Philadelphia, Rev. Aphrodite

AE 25, 7.39g. archon: Ladikos Severos under Marcus Aurelius, c. 161-162 A.D. Draped bust of the Senate to right. Rev. Aphrodite standing to left within two-columned arch. RPC on line IV.2.1382.5(this coin illustrated). Dark brown patina with some light cleaning in fields. Scarce; RPC only records five examples including this piece.


Ex: Hauck and Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction 21, March 17, 2009, lot 174.

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Very Fine $500.
Lydia, Sala, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.
Lydia, Sala, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.

AE 25, 6.55g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius to right.  Rev. Zeus standing to left with scepter and eagle. BMC 41.  SNG COP 443. Attractive light brown patina and choice.

Ex: Peter Vogl collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 840.

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Extremely Fine $575.
Phrygia, Laodikeia ad Lykos
Phrygia, Laodikeia ad Lykos

AE 15, 4.55g. magistrate: Zeuxis Philalethes.  c.15 B.C. Bare head of Augustus to right; lituus behind.   Rev. Serpent staff of Asklepios.    RPC 1, 2895. SNG von Aulock 3837; small scrape in hair.   Dark brown patina.

The magistrate Zeuxis Philalethes is most likely the physician who founded a school of medicine at the temple of Men Karou outside of Laodikeia as mentioned by his contemporary Strabo(Geog.12,88, 50.)  During Starbo's lifetime, there were two directors of the medical school, Zeuxis and Alexander Philalethes.  The reverse type with the serpent staff of Asklepios further supports the association.  (See: Ramsay, Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia,  p. 52.)


Ex: Peter Weiss, Kiel Germany, collected 1967-2015. 
Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 276, April 19,2021, lot 388.


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about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $1,000.
Phrygia, Laodikea ad Lycum.  Philip II, 247-249
Phrygia, Laodikea ad Lycum. Philip II, 247-249
 AE 32.  17.73g.   Draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II to right.  Rev. Zeus of Laodikea with scepter and eagle facing Tyche with cornucopia and rudder.  SNG von Aulock 3865(dies)).   RPC on line 20767(this coin illustrated); a few light marks on cheek and edge.  Attractive tan patina and scarce.
 Ex: Gorny and Mosch 215, Oct. 13, 2013, lot 338
Ex: Rauch, Auction 90, June 4, 2012, lot 744
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Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $1,800.
Pamphylia, Side, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.
Pamphylia, Side, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.

AE 34, 23.20g, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right. Rev. Athena hurling spear to right with aegis draped over her arm. SNG von Aulock 4821(dies). SNG France_. Light green and brown patina with some encrustation. Rare as are most large module provincial bronzes for Macrinus


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 7, February 23, 2019, lot 757

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Very Fine $1,200.
Pamphylia, Side, Valerian I, 253-260 A.D.
Pamphylia, Side, Valerian I, 253-260 A.D.

AE 31, 14.34g. Alliance with Alexandria. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian to right.  Rev. Athena of Side standing to right and holding a spear facing Isis of Alexandria who holds a situla; they clasp sistrum between them.  SNG France 876= Inv. Waddington 3481. Peter Weiss, "Auxe Perge", in Chiron 21, 1991, no. 372   Very rare alliance issue and with a green patina.


Ex: Peter Weiss, Kiel, Germany ( collected, 1967-2015)

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about Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $1,500.
Pamphylia, Side, Gallienus, 253-268 A.D.
Pamphylia, Side, Gallienus, 253-268 A.D.

AE 10 assarion, 17.20g. 30mm. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; I in field to right. Rev. Galley sailing to left; long branch with pomegranates to right. SNG BN 885(dies). BMC 116. The significance of the pomegranate branch on the reverse is that the fruit was the badge of Side and appears on its archaic coins. Dark brown and green patina withe some encrustation on the obverse.


Ex: CNG, Lancaster, PA, Auction 467, May 6, 2020, lot 275


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Very Fine/good Very Fine $750.
Pisida, Antioch, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.
Pisida, Antioch, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.

AE 32. 23.89g. 32 mm. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian to right. Rv. Two victories inscribing shield SR on palm tree; two captives below. SNG BN 1236. Brown patina.


Ex: Munzen & Medallion Deutschland, Auction 40, June 4, 2014, lot 359

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about Extremely Fine $800.
Pisidia, Kremna, Aurelian, 270-2755 A.D.
Pisidia, Kremna, Aurelian, 270-2755 A.D.

AE 33.  16.00g.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Aurelian to right.  Rev. Apollo standing to right shooting arrow. von Aulock, Pisidia II, 1665, reverse die. Green and brown patina.

Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 186, lot 1664.

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good Very Fine $450.
Pisidia, Sagalassos, Gordian III, 2nd known
Pisidia, Sagalassos, Gordian III, 2nd known

AE 36 Large bronze,  28.76g.  Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.   Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian to right.  Rev. Demeter driving biga of winged serpents to right over waves; she holds a long torch.  RPC on-line VII.2, 20406 (this coin illustrated). Dark green and brown patina.  Very rare; only one other considerably inferior example in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston is listed by RPC. 

Ex: Bank Leu, Zurich, Auction 30, April 28, 1982, lot 433
Ex: E J Waddell, Auction II, New York, September 12, 1987, lot 376.
Ex: James Fox collection, CNG, Auction 40, December 4, 1996, lot 1633.
Ex: Triton XV, New York, January 3, 2012, lot 1415.

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good Very Fine $7,500.
Cilicia, Anazarbus, Trajan and Marciana, 113/114
Cilicia, Anazarbus, Trajan and Marciana, 113/114

AE Trihemiasarion, 9.33g. 23mm. Dated year 232=113/114 A.D. Laureate bust of Trajan to right. Rev. Draped and diademed bust of Marciana to right. SNG Levante 1382. SNG France 2022. flan flaw on neck on obv. Dark brown and green patina. Exceptional quality for this scarce issue and among the finest known specimens.


Ex: Gorny & Mosch, Munich, Auction 211, March 4, 2013, lot 490

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Extremely Fine $2,000.
Cilicia, Anazarbus, Julia Mamaea
Cilicia, Anazarbus, Julia Mamaea

AE 23. 11.50 g. Dated year 249= 230/1 A.D. Diademed and draped bust of Julia to right. Rv. Temple with seven columns; star in pediment. SNG Levante 1477 (dies). Dark green patina.


Ex: Gorny & Mosch, Munich, Auction 233, October 6, 2015, lot 2072

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Very Fine $250.
Cilicia, Anemurium, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.
Cilicia, Anemurium, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.

AE 19, 3.31g. Dated year 2 of Macrinus=218 A.D. Bare head of Diadumenian to right. Rev. Helmeted bust of Athena to right. SNG Levante Supplement 116(dies). SNG Paris_. Ziegler_. Dark green and brown patina.


Ex: Aufhäuser, Munich, Aution 7, October 9, 1990, lot 557.
Ex: P. Vogl collection, Munich

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Very Fine $400.
Cilicia, Anemurium, Valierian I, 253-260 A.D.
Cilicia, Anemurium, Valierian I, 253-260 A.D.

AE 26, 10.04g. Year 3= 255/6 A.D. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valerian to right. Rev. Ethnic inscription and date within wreath; small kantharos at top of wreath. SNG Levante 516. Ziegler 225-6. Green patina


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction 4, October 7, 1987, lot 438 (with original ticket)
Ex: Dr. P. Vogt collection

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Extremely Fine $475.
Cilicia, Seleukia Ad Kalykadnum, Gallienus
Cilicia, Seleukia Ad Kalykadnum, Gallienus

AE 26, 7.77g. 253-268 A.D. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. Draped bust of Athena to left wearing crested helmet. SNG BN 1068. Green patina


Ex: Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland, Stuttgart, Auction 30, May 28, 2009, Lot 1168.

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good Very Fine $240.
Cilicia, Irenopolis, Septimius Severus, 193-211
Cilicia, Irenopolis, Septimius Severus, 193-211

AE 26, 10.36g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius to right. Rev. Draped bust of Hygeia to right holding serpent; BMC 7. SNG Levante_. SNG Paris_ a few light cleaning marks. Dark bluish-green patina.


Ex: Leu Numismatik, Zurich, Auction 2, May 11, 2018, lot 520

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about Extremely Fine $650.
Cilicia, Kestros, Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.D.
Cilicia, Kestros, Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.D.

AE Diassarion, 7.13g. 23mm. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Verus to left. Rev. Eagle standing to left on ox head. SNG Levante 471. RPC IV on-line 5794.4(this coin). Rare with RPC only recording 4 examples; green patina.


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 5, October 5, 1988, lot 322.
Ex: Dr. P. Vogl collection, Munich

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Very Fine/good Very Fine $900.
Cilicia, Kelenderis, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.
Cilicia, Kelenderis, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.

AE 28, 10.78g.  Laureate and cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right.  Rev. Poseidon standing to left holding trident and dolphin.  Cf SNG Levante Supplement 136/133 for obv and rev types; otherwise unpublished.  Lovely green patina with some earthen deposits.

Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 117, October 14, 2002, lot 403.

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about Extremely Fine $1,000.
Cilicia, Mopsos, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.
Cilicia, Mopsos, Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D.

AE 37, 27.93g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander to right. Rev. Artemis and Apollo standing side by side. Weber 7175. SNG Levenate _. SNG France_. RPC on line VI, 7168, this coin illustrated. Green patina with some encrustation. Extremely rare; RPC only lists two examples including this coin with the other in the British Museum.


Ex: Grün, Hiedelberg, Auction 49, May 20, 2008, lot 95

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Very Fine $550.
Cilicia, Syedra, Maximus, 235-238 A.D.
Cilicia, Syedra, Maximus, 235-238 A.D.

AE 23, 7.62g. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Maximus to right. Rev. Ares standing to left. SNG BN 652. SNG Levante_. Dark green and brown patina.


Ex: Gorny & Mosch, Munich, Auction 241, October 10, 2016, lot 1950

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about Extremely Fine/Very Fine $400.
Cilicia, Tarsus, Commodus, 177-192 A.D.
Cilicia, Tarsus, Commodus, 177-192 A.D.

AE 34, 19.79g. Bust of Commmodus to right wearing the crown and robes of the demiourgos. Rev. Decastyle neocorate temple(one of two in the city).; the name of Commodus on the lintel and eagle on the pediment. SNG Paris 1463. SNG Levante _. Green and brown patina with some encrustation on the obverse.

This temple for the Imperial cult has remains indicating that it was massive and constructed from Proconnesian(Marmara) marble. 

Ex: LHS, Zurich, Auction 95, October 25, 2005, lot 825.
Ex: Nomos, Zurich, Auction 6, May 8, 2012, lot 157
Ex: J. P. Righetti collection 

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good Very Fine/about Extremely Fine $2,000.
Cilicia, Tarsos, Elagabalus, 218-222 A.D.
Cilicia, Tarsos, Elagabalus, 218-222 A.D.

AE 31, 16.21g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus to right. Rev. Crown of Cilicia with imperial portraits and prize crown on altar. SNG Levante 1078. Ziegler 722. Brown patina.


Ex: Gorny & Mosch, Online Auction 271, May 29, 2020, lot 834

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Very Fine $575.
Galatia, Ancyra, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.
Galatia, Ancyra, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.

AE 29, 15.45g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right. Rev. Helmeted Athena standing to right holding scepter and nike. SNG Paris 2493 var(bust type). SNG von Aulock 6168 var(bust type). BMC_. Hairline flan crack at 8:00 obv. Dark green and brown patina.


Ex: Leu Numismatik, Zurich, Web Auction 7, February 23, 2019, lot 880

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good Very Fine $1,250.
Cappadocia, Caesarea-Eusebia.
Cappadocia, Caesarea-Eusebia.

AE 22, 6.71g. Time of Archelaos, 36 B.C.-17 A.D. Dated year 25=12/11 B.C. Head of Herakles with lion's skin and club to right. Rev. Temple with four columns and three figures on pediment. RPC 3613. RPC on line 3613.14(this coin). BMC 3. Reddish-brown patina.


Ex: Hauck and Aufhaüser, Munich, Auction 19, March 21, 2006, lot 199.

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Very Fine/good Very Fine $475.
Cappadocia, Tyana, Time of Trajan, 98-117 A.D.
Cappadocia, Tyana, Time of Trajan, 98-117 A.D.

AE 15mm, 2.26g. Humped bull standing to right.  Rev. Zeus seated to left.  Lindgren I, 1733. Lovely green patina.


Ex: Numismatik Naumann 48, Munich, November 20, 2016, lot 292

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Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $475.
Commagene, Antiochos IV, 38-72 A.D.
Commagene, Antiochos IV, 38-72 A.D.

AE 17, 4.04g. Armenian tiara. Rev. Capricorn; star above. RPC I, 3862(this coin illustrated on-line). BMC 7. Brown patina. Scare and probably the finest known example.

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Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $2,750.
Seleucis and Pieria, Gabala, Trajan, 98-117 A.D.
Seleucis and Pieria, Gabala, Trajan, 98-117 A.D.

AE 22, 8.71g. dated year 152=105/106 A.D. Laureate head of Trajan to right. Rev. Seated Astarte holding ears of corn and poppy in right hand and scepter in left hand; two sphinxes below. Weber 7979. RPC III, 3809var.

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about Extremely Fine $375.
Phoenicia, Sidon, Elagabalus, 218-222, Ex: Garrett
Phoenicia, Sidon, Elagabalus, 218-222, Ex: Garrett

AE 25, 10.46g.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus to right.  Rev. Europa on bull to right.  BMC 229-230.  Rouvier 1504.  Attractive brown patina.  Rare in this high quality and with an important pedigree.

Ex: Garrett collection Part 1, Numismatic Fine Arts and Bank Leu, Beverly Hills, May 16, 1984, lot 850, purchased from Wayte Raymond on October 1, 1923. (for bio see:
Ex: CNG, Auction 93, May 22, 2013, lot 997

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Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $3,000.
Egypt, Ptolemy III, 246-222 B.C.
Egypt, Ptolemy III, 246-222 B.C.

AE Drachm, 72.15g. 42.5mm. Alexandria mint. Diademed head of Zeus Ammon to right. Rev. Eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia in field to left.  Svoronos 964.  SNG COP 171-2.  Reddish-brown patina with some areas of encrustation.


Ex: Freeman and Sear, Los Angeles, Mail Bid Sale 15, June 27, 2008, lot 224.

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about Extremely Fine $1,700.
 Ptolemy III, 246-222 B.C., 1991 pedigree
Ptolemy III, 246-222 B.C., 1991 pedigree

AE Dichalkon, 2.68g.  15.5mm. Paphos, Cyprus mint.  Diademed head of Zeus Ammon to right.  Rev. Cult figure of Aphrodite standing; she holds lotus flower to breast with her right hand and poppy or myrtle branches in her left hand.   Lorber B450.  SNG COP 647. Svoronos 1008.  Wieser 108.  Lovely green patina and possibly the finest known example of  this scarce issue.


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction 8, October 9, 1991, lot 278
Ex: CNG 87, 2011, lot 702.


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Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $2,000.
Ptolemy VI, 180-145 B.C.
Ptolemy VI, 180-145 B.C.

AE Tetrobol, 16.52g. 27mm. Alexandria. Draped bust of Isis to right. Rev. Eagle standing to left on thunderbolt. SNG COP 279. Svoronos 1384. Brown patina and scarce.


Ex: CNG E Auction 259, July 6, 2011, lot 171.

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good Very Fine $575.
Alexandria, Nero and Poppaea, 54-68 A.D.
Alexandria, Nero and Poppaea, 54-68 A.D.

Billon Tetradrachm, 13.69g. 25mm. Dated year 10= 63/64 A.D. Radiate head of Nero to right. Rev. Draped bust of Poppaea to right. Köln 157-9. RPC I, 5275. Toned brown patina.


Ex: Spink, London, Auction 135, October 6, 1999, lot 139.

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good Very Fine $650.
Egypt, Alexandria, Domitian, 81-96 A.D.
Egypt, Alexandria, Domitian, 81-96 A.D.

AE Diobol, 7.41g. 24mm. Dated year 3=  84/85 A.D.  Laureate head of Domitian to right.  Rev. Draped bust of Alexandria to right wearing elephant skin headdress.   Köln 334. RPC 2491. Dattari(Savio) 465.  Green and brown patina.  Virtually as struck and an amazing untouched Alexandrian bronze.

Ex: CNG, Auction 81, May 20, 2009, lot 868.
Ex: CNG, Auction 115, Sept. 16,  2020, lot 462.

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Extremely Fine $5,000.
Alexandria, Trajan, 98-117 A.D. ex: Dattari
Alexandria, Trajan, 98-117 A.D. ex: Dattari

AE Drachm, 23.98g. 34mm.   Dated year 12= 108/9 A.D. Laureate head of Trajan to right.  Rev. Trophy of arms and armor with two captives below; one seated and one standing.   Dattari/Savio 7242(this coin). Geissen_. RPC 4338.4.5(this coin)  Brown patina. 

Ex: Dattari collection, Dattari/Savio 7242
Ex: Kunst und Münzen, Lugano, Auction XXII, 1981, lot 288.

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Very Fine $1,200.
Egypt, Xoite Nome, Hadrian, 117-138 A.D.
Egypt, Xoite Nome, Hadrian, 117-138 A.D.

AE Dichalkon, 1.83g. 13mm. Dated year 11=126/127 A.D.   Laureate head of Hadrian to right with drapery on left shoulder.  Rev. Ram standing to right; solar disc above. RPC III, 6436(this coin illustrated).  Dattari 6402.  Brown and green patina and of extraordinary quality.

Ex: Michel Durr, Geneva, Auction, November 16, 1998, lot 803
Ex: Jacquier, Kiel, Germany, Auction 38, September 13, 2013, lot 278.

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Extremely Fine $2,200.
Alexandria, Hadrian 117-138 A.D.
Alexandria, Hadrian 117-138 A.D.

AE Hemidrachm, 8.63g. 24mm. Dated year 16=131/132 A.D. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Hadrian to right. Rev. Isis seated to right and suckling Harpokrates. Geissen 1046. BMC 762. Dattari 1749. Reddish-brown patina with some green deposits; die break on obverse.


Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 170, October 13, 2008, lot 1834
Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 54, March 24, 2010, lot 1118.

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Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $850.
Alexandria, Hadrian, 117-138 A.D.  Ex: Dattari
Alexandria, Hadrian, 117-138 A.D. Ex: Dattari

AE Drachm, 25.56g. 34mm. Dated year 18=133/134 A.D. Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian to right. Rev. Triptolemos wearing elephant headdress driving biga of winged serpents to right; he holds grain for sowing in the fold of his chiton. Köln 1143. RPC 5920.10(this coin). Dattari-Savio, pl. 91, 1849(this coin). Brown patina. The details on the reverse including the grain and the elephant headdress are unusually clear.


Ex: Dattari collection, 1849.

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Very Fine/good Very Fine $3,750.
Alexandria, Sabina, wife of Hadrian
Alexandria, Sabina, wife of Hadrian

Billon Tetradrachm, 12.96g. 24mm.  Dated year 15= 130/131 A.D.  Diademed and draped bust of Sabina to right.  Rev. Sabina seated to the left holding grain ears and scepter.  Dattari 2061. Geissen 1039. RPC 5773.

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good Very Fine $1,000.
Alexandria, Antoninus Pius, 138-161 A.D.
Alexandria, Antoninus Pius, 138-161 A.D.

AE Drachm, 23.05g. 33mm.  Dated regnal year 9= 145/146 A.D.  Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right.  Rev. Nilus reclining to right holding cornucopia with genius and reeds; crocodile below.  Köln 1890. Dattari-Savio 8631.  Brown patina.

Ex: NFA, Los Angeles, Auction 11, 1982, lot 444.
Ex: CNA, NY, Auction 13, 1990, lot 104, Wetterstrom collection

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about Extremely Fine $3,750.
Alexandria, Marcus Aurelius, ex: Niggeler
Alexandria, Marcus Aurelius, ex: Niggeler

AE Drachm, 23.13g. 34.5mm.  Dated year 14= 150/151 A.D. and struck as Caesar under Antoninus Pius.   Bare head, draped, and cuirassed bust of Aurelius to right.  Rev. Zeus seated to left holding scepter; eagle below.  Dattari 3212. Geissen_.  Brown patina.  Scarce.


Ex: Walter Niggeler collection, Bank Leu and Münzen und Medaillen, Auction,  Basel, October 21, 1966, lot 29.

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good Very Fine $1,500.
 Alexandria, Commodus, 177-192 A.D.
Alexandria, Commodus, 177-192 A.D.

Billon Tetradrachm, 11.28g. 25mm. Dated year 30 = 189/90 A.D. Laureate head of Commodus to right. Rev. Head of Selene to left; crescent moon in front. Köln 2252. Dattari 3889. Brown patina.

Ex: Triton, Auction XXI, New York City, 2009, lot 650

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good Very Fine $525.
Egypt, Alexandria, Diocletian, 284-305 A.D.
Egypt, Alexandria, Diocletian, 284-305 A.D.

Billon Tetradrachm, 8.21g. 20mm. Dated year 8=291/292 A.D. Laureate head of Diocletian to right. Rev. Harpocrates of Pelusium standing to left holding pomegranate and hand of nude pygmy(?). Dattari/ Savio pl. 283, 5696(only one example). Emmet 4062.8(R3). Geissen_. Scarce and with an attractive brown patina.

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good Very Fine $500.
Alexandria, Domitius Domitianus, ex: Dattari
Alexandria, Domitius Domitianus, ex: Dattari
AE Oktodrachm, 9.32g. 22mm.  Year 2= 297298 A.D.   Radate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Domitius to right.  Rev. Serapis standing to right with scepter; palm branch behind.  Dattari/Savio 10865(this coin). Geissen_.  The arrangement of the date letters is a scarce variety.   Dark brown patina with bits of encrustation and exceptional for this rare issue.
Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 11, March 21, 1995, lot 421 
Ex: Heliios, Munich,  Auction 5, June 25,  2010, lot 1174.
Ex: Dattari Collection, Dattari/Savio, 10865
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Extremely Fine $10,000.
Egypt, Hermopolites Nome,  Hadrian, 117-132 A.D.
Egypt, Hermopolites Nome, Hadrian, 117-132 A.D.

AE Obol, 5.49g. 19.5mm. Laureate head of Hadrian to right. Rev. Draped and diademed bust of Hermes-Thoth to right wearing hem-hem crown; ibis in field to right. Köln 3399. RPC III, 6286. Scarce and of exceptional quality; reddish-brown patina with green highlights


Ex: Jacquier, Kehl am Rhein, Germany, Auction 38, September 13, 2013, lot 275, Stein Eversen collection.

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about Extremely Fine $2,400.
Kyrenaika, Kyrene, A. Pupius Rufus, c.34-31 B.C.
Kyrenaika, Kyrene, A. Pupius Rufus, c.34-31 B.C.

AE 27, 10.28g.  Head of Zeus Ammon to right.  Rev. Sella castrensis(folding military camp seat) flanked by fasces.  RPC 920.26(this coin). BMC 117,27.  Pierre Strauss, Collection of Maurice Laffaille, Bale, 1990, #630(this coin).  SNG COP 1314.  Brown patina.

Ex: Laffaille collection, Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 76, 1991, lot 630.
Ex: Righetti collection, Auctiones, Basel, Auction 29, 2003, lot 389.

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Very Fine $1,700.


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